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Thursday, July 14 2011

The first half of 2011 is over, and if your salespeople are behind on their sales quotas, you need to take a serious look at your sales and marketing strategies, tactics and tools -- immediately.  If not, you are putting your business at risk and 2011 may turn out to be a brutal year for you sales wise.  And don't bank on "hoping" things will change with your salespeople.  The only way the sales needle will move in a positive direction is if you take action and do something different from what you are doing now. 


Six Questions Any CEO, President Or Sales Leader Needs To Ask Themselves. 


  1. How many prospects does each salesperson have in their database?
    1. What percentage of the prospects have an e-mail address associated with their record?
  2. What is our strategy to increase the size of our e-mail marketing database of prospects and clients?
  3. What is our strategy for staying in touch with a prospect after our first unsuccessful or successful contact?
    1. Are we relying on our salespeople to do this?
    2. Do we have an automated process in place to make this happen?
  4. What type of marketing collateral do we use during a sales call to reduce price as a focal point or sales objection?
  5. How do we help a prospect make a good buying decision when they are considering buying what we sell?  
  6. How often do we drip on our clients to:
    1. Cross-sell them other products or services?
    2. Ask for referrals?
    3. Survey them to determine their future needs? 

Are You Happy With Your Answers?


If not, you should seek out a professional who can help you create or fine-tune your drip marketing strategy.  By the way, don't put marketing on your sales team's shoulders, as research has proven salespeople are notoriously bad writers, and worse, do marketing on an intermittent basis at best.    


Executive Summary:  If you do not know the answers to the questions above, or if you are unsatisfied with the answers, it means you and your salespeople are underleveraged from a sales and marketing perspective.  Should this be the case, your salespeople are definitely losing 15% to 50% of their sales revenue per year by not plugging their marketing efforts into a system.  Don't believe me?  Just enter your numbers below and do the math yourself.


Average Annualized Revenue Per Salesperson: __________ x __________ (percentage of sales lost) = Your Lost Sales of __________. 

Posted by: Glenn Fallavollita AT 09:43 am   |  Permalink   |  Email