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Friday, August 05 2011

Our marketing research has proven the majority of organizations in our country look like a "Me Too" business from the eyes of their prospective buyer.  And as I was researching this topic for today's tip, I came across some interesting material I wanted to share with you - something you might find both motivational and inspirational - and help you avoid sounding like a "Me Too" business.  They come from what the great business philosopher, Jim Rohn, said about being a master communicator:


        1. Have something good to say.
        2. Say it well.
        3. Say it often.


Click here to listen to Jim Rohn Speak 


Have Something Good To Say.


In terms of marketing your business, having something good to say means that you have innovated your business to a point where you have a unique story to tell a prospective buyer.  If you want to know if you are telling a unique story in the marketplace, ask yourself, What makes us any better or different from our toughest competitor? 


Say It Well.


Saying something well involves the words you choose.  Most people think that it is easy to write copy for a marketing campaign, but it isn't.  If you want to become successful at writing copy, you need to concentrate on the headlines you use and how you position a risk-free offer


Say It Often.


"Say it often" refers to the frequency you send marketing messages to your target audience.  Not only is this important for building a brand in the marketplace, it also helps your salespeople with their "Oh By The Way" calls.   


How To Avoid Looking Like A "Me Too" Business. 


Before spending any money on the tactical execution of your marketing campaign, it is most critical to have something good to say to your target audience -- in essence, a Unique Selling Proposition (USP). 


To develop your USP, you need to ask yourself three things:


  1. What is my competition providing?
  2. What does my target audience want, need and desire when buying what we sell?
  3. What causes my target audience to become frustrated and leave their present source when buying what we sell? 


Do You Really Have Something Good To Say?


Take a moment to ask yourself (and the salespeople that work for you) if you really have something good to say.  Are you really providing better value than your competition?  If you find yourself unable to answer these questions satisfactorily, how can you really expect to win more sales?


If you're ready to start saying something of value, then take a moment and answer the following four questions.  By doing so, you will be on the right path to innovating your business. 


  • When buying from our industry, what things frustrate a prospective buyer when they are going through the sales process (e.g., Is it because the salesperson doesn't know the competition?  There is too much paperwork for the buyer?  Does the salesperson never follow up)? 
  • After someone buys from our industry, what things frustrate them after finalizing the sale (e.g., Do they not receive a return phone call on an issue/problem?  Are the warranties not being honored?  Are buyers not called after the sale to see if they are satisfied?)? 
  • What are the requirements a prospective buyer places on a business they are considering buying from or hiring (e.g., Do they have the right type of liability insurance? Are they ISO certified)?  
  • What things do prospective buyers want from a salesperson as they go through the buying process (e.g., Get a return call?  Having extensive knowledge about the competition?  Knowledge about integrating their solution into a prospect's legacy system(s)?)?

Executive Summary:  When you step back and look at your business or organization, consider the uniqueness of it from the eyes of your target audience. And to find out if your salespeople are able to tell a prospect about the things that make your business unique, ask your own sales team this one simple sentence: "If I was a prospect sitting across the table from you, what would you tell me that makes your business any better or different from your toughest competition?" Yes, the sentence is rather simple, but this is exactly what your prospects are thinking every time a salesperson speaks with them.  Oh by the way, look at your marketing campaigns and do the same thing too.

Posted by: Glenn Fallavollita AT 08:04 am   |  Permalink   |  Email