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Thursday, September 13 2012

How Many Times Has
This Happened To You?

By Glenn Fallavollita, CEO – | Author | Keynote Speaker

  • Word Count: 605
  • Time To Read: 2.4 Minutes [Based on 250 Per Minute]

You call a prospect on the phone and after a great discussion about what you can offer him, he tells you that his company isn't ready to make a buying decision. And after hearing this, you politely say, "OK, no problem. When you are ready to make a decision on this, keep us in mind." After hanging up the phone, you schedule a follow-up call in 90 days.

90 Days Later. . .

After 90 days go by, you call this same prospect only to hear, "Sorry to tell you this but your timing is off by two weeks; we just bought from __________ - they called me when we were having a problem with x, y and z. Thanks for the call and I wish you well."

How To Avoid This Happening To You.

To optimize your sales efforts, it is essential to install a drip marketing system at your business - an automated system that stays in continuous contact with your database of customers, past customers, prospects and referral partners. Although a drip marketing system won't guarantee you or your salespeople a sale, it will put the odds in your favor of a prospect calling you when they have an issue or when they want to learn more about buying what you sell.

The Key Is Saying The Right Things At The Right Frequency.

Installing a drip marketing system at your business hinges on a number of key elements - elements that I have written about in my book on drip marketing and as well as in my massive Drip Marketing System.

Click here to visit to purchase this book in the Kindle version.

To help you install a drip marketing system at your business, I have listed below some suggestions.

  1. Develop a multi-faceted approach to contacting your target audience. Use e-mail marketing, direct mail and lumpy mail campaigns - followed-up at specific intervals with a phone call. Don't forget to include your social media campaigns too. If you are ONLY sending out a series of e-mail marketing campaigns to save a few dollars, you are committing marketing suicide.
  2. One of the most critical things you can do is set-up a call-back schedule that touches a person every 75 to 90 days (this frequency depends on what you sell).

There Is A Huge Opportunity To Increase Your Sales.

The reality is that 50% of all salespeople give up on a prospect after their FIRST unsuccessful contact - this number skyrockets to 99% after their THIRD unsuccessful attempt. By the way, these statistics will NOT change, as most salespeople are laser focused on finding the immediate buyers in their database. Although this is fine to do, you need to know that your database of immediate buyers only represents about 1% to 3% of your entire database.

97% Of Your Sales Team's Database Is Being Completely Ignored.

If a salesperson only focuses on the immediate buyers in his or her database, this means that 97% of their prospects (clients, past clients, prospects and referral partners) are being completely ignored - or in effect, not being nurtured. Oh by the way, don't count on your salespeople writing great marketing copy. Their job is to sell, not market.

Executive Summary: Most people in sales spend a substantial amount of time calling/meeting prospects that never close - in essence, they spend a lot of energy heating up a prospect, but never keep the sales process simmering. What's more interesting is that these same prospects are the ones that will represent their future sales - or should I say sales that will go to a competitor.

About The Author

Glenn Fallavollita is the President of, a Division of Drip Marketing, Inc.  He founded Drip Marketing, Inc. in 2002, and serves as CEO, lead copywriter and strategist.  He is also instrumental in developing the curriculum, format and expansion of Drip University - the training arm of Drip Marketing, Inc. and  His work, insight and creative talent has been the catalyst for the delivery of more than 35 million e-mail campaigns on behalf of his clients.

To learn how we can help your payroll service increase its sales with our payroll marketing system, visit us on the web at or call us directly at (856) 401-9577.

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