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Monday, October 07 2013

99% Of Salespeople Stop Calling A Prospect
After Getting Rejected Three Times

By Glenn Fallavollita, CEO – | Author | Keynote Speaker

  • Word Count: 394
  • Time To Read: 1.6 Minutes [Based on 250 Per Minute]

Our research has proven that 50% of all salespeople, including your salespeople, stop calling a prospect (for 9 to 12 months) after their first unsuccessful attempt at moving the sales process forward? What's worse is that these numbers skyrocket to 85% and 99% after their second and third unsuccessful attempt, respectively.

What's Worse: 95% Of All Salespeople Can't Predict When Someone Is Ready To Buy What They Sell.

Additionally, our research has confirmed that 95% of all salespeople cannot predict when their hottest prospects will close when given a 4- to 6-week window.

By the way, this is a critical metric to know if you are a sales leader. Why? Because if a salesperson cannot predict a moment in time when their hottest prospects will buy, how can they predict a moment in time when their least interested prospects will want to learn more about what your company sells? They can't.

A Formal Sales Follow-Up System Will Increase Your Sales. Dramatically.

If your business installs a sales and marketing system - a system comprised of a series of direct mail and e-mail marketing campaigns - and coordinates a call to the same prospect every 90 to 100 days, their contact ratio with a "live" will increase 35% to 40% to as high as 300%.

This is due to one thing: People want to learn more about what you sell when they are ready not when you or your salespeople want them to be ready.

All CEOs Or Sales Leaders, Ask Yourselves These Questions:

  • Are we nurturing our database of prospects with a series of e-mail marketing campaigns?
  • Are we using direct mail on our "best" prospects to maintain brand awareness and maximize what they know about us (and yes, direct mail still works).
  • Do we have a formal sales follow-up system (where a salesperson picks up the phone) to ensure that we are not losing any prospects buying from the competition?
  • Are we maintaining contact with our database of customers (e-mail, direct mail and phone) to 1. Cross-sell them other services and 2. Formally ask a customer to refer us to someone they know?  

Executive Summary: High producing salespeople know that if they are part of a marketing system AND call a prospect more than three times, they will have much greater success than their competition.  And you will too!

About The Author

Glenn Fallavollita is the President of, a Division of Drip Marketing, Inc.  He founded Drip Marketing, Inc. in 2002, and serves as CEO, lead copywriter and strategist.  He is also instrumental in developing the curriculum, format and expansion of Drip University - the training arm of Drip Marketing, Inc. and  His work, insight and creative talent has been the catalyst for the delivery of more than 35 million e-mail campaigns on behalf of his clients.

To learn how we can help your payroll service increase its sales with our payroll marketing system, visit us on the web at or call us directly at (856) 401-9577. 

Posted by: Glenn Fallavollita AT 08:18 am   |  Permalink   |  Email