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Friday, November 04 2011

Can You Predict When
Someone Is Ready To Buy?

Waiting to call back a prospect when you think they are ready to "buy" is like waiting to buy an air conditioner on the 6th day of a 7-day heat wave. In both cases, there is a very low probability of success. 


Why Trying To Time A Sale Is A Great Way To Miss A Sales Opportunity.


Over the years of training salespeople and consulting with owners, I often times see and hear about salespeople and telemarketing companies trying to time a sale with just a "phone call." This type of technique is not only annoying to a prospect, but it is also one of the fastest ways to lose a sales opportunity. What's worse is that most salespeople give up on calling a prospect after three unsuccessful attempts at moving the sales process forward.  


Click here to read about our extensive research results


Creating A Drip Marketing Strategy Is The Best Way To Compliment Your Sales Team's Efforts. 

If you want your salespeople to become even more successful, you need to work on building a drip marketing strategy for your business. And no, drip marketing is not about sending out a few e-mail marketing campaigns, it goes a lot deeper than that. In fact, the six key elements to a successful drip marketing strategy are:  



1. Content: You need to provide relevant content, content based on your target audience's primary motivators, or they will not welcome your drip marketing messages.

2. Frequency: Too many drips or too few drips play a role in the success of your drip marketing efforts.  

3. Recency: Recency refers to the time span between each drip. Too short of a period between drips will cause your target audience to opt out of your e-mail marketing campaigns or throw your direct mail campaign into the trash. Too long of a period between drips will result in people forgetting about you and your business.  

4. The Blending of Tactical Marketing Campaigns: The best-in-class drip marketing strategies use a combination of e-mail campaigns, direct mail campaigns, blogs, social media, face-to-face meetings, and other marketing strategies in order to stay in continuous contact with its target audience. Just make sure you use the right blend of campaigns based on your industry and target audience.

5. The Use of Evidence-Based Tools In A Selling Situation: Prospects want to make the best decision possible when buying what you are selling; therefore, education-based tools can oftentimes augment the decision-making process faster than a salesperson, because psychologically, people believe what is in print form. How many times have you heard someone say: "I read this on a brochure, and it said. . ."   

6. Proactive Follow-up Calls: A marketing campaign's results will increase ten-fold if a salesperson picks up the telephone and starts calling their list of prospective buyers who received the campaign information - also known as making an "Oh, By The Way" call. Should a salesperson consistently make these types of calls, they will start to see sales magic happen.


Executive Summary: The good news is that most of your competitors, even your largest ones, do NOT have a drip marketing strategy -- which represents a huge sales and marketing opportunity for YOU and YOUR business. And we can show you how by clicking here



Posted by: Glenn Fallavollita AT 05:55 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
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